Not much progress has been made after the Indian Air Force stood up No. 45 squadron to fly the HAL LCA Tejas fighter.
Continue reading “India’s first LCA squadron still waiting for aircraft to arrive”
Category: Industry
Brazil orders 3 Airbus C295 for SAR role
Brazil has placed an order for three Airbus C295 search and rescue (SAR) aircraft.
Potential sale of 12 UH-60Ms to Tunisia
Tunisia has requested a possible sale of 12 UH-60M Black Hawk Helicopters plus other equipment for an estimated cost of $700 million.
Hongdu L-15 jet trainer sold to Venezuela
MEADS demonstrate Plug-and-Fight capabilities
The Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) recently completed a comprehensive system demonstration at Pratica di Mare Air Base near Rome, Italy.
Continue reading “MEADS demonstrate Plug-and-Fight capabilities”