Sukhoi has started delivering a second batch of Su-34 fighter-bombers that were ordered in 2012.
Aviation News
Sukhoi has started delivering a second batch of Su-34 fighter-bombers that were ordered in 2012.
The U.S. Army and Raytheon have disassembled the Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System (JLENS) in Utah and begin shipping it to Maryland.
Continue reading “JLENS disassembled and heading to Maryland”
Lt. Gen. Bob Otto, deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance for the U.S. Air Force, has confirmed the RQ-180 exists.
Continue reading “USAF general confirms existence of RQ-180”
Airbus Helicopters, AugustaWestland and Bell Helicopters have been in discussions with partners in Japan to compete for the upcoming UH-X contest.
Continue reading “Airbus Helicopters, AugustaWestland and Bell in talks with Japanese partners on UH-X”
The Harpoon, Marte and Sea Brimstone are being considered as anti-ship weapons for the Eurofighter.
Continue reading “Airbus Defence and Space studying three types of missiles for Eurofighter maritime strike role”