Opponents to the Swiss government’s plan to buy 22 Gripen fighters have submitted over 100,000 signatures seeking a referendum on Jan. 14.
Continue reading “Swiss could vote on Gripen in May”
Category: Industry
Lockheed Martin demonstrates Hellfire Longbow missile application for LCS
Lockheed Martin has successfully tested its Hellfire Longbow missile as a potential weapon for the Littoral Combat Ship.
FMS of 6 V-22B Block C to Israel
Israel has officially requested the sale of six V-22B Block C aircraft for an estimated cost of $1.13 billion.
T-129 at Bahrain International Airshow
Turkish Aerospace Industries will be bringing their T-129 attack helicopter to the Bahrain International Airshow from Jan. 16-18.
DSCA: Potential FMS for RSAF F-16 upgrade
The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified the U.S. Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Singapore for an upgrade of F-16C/D/D+ Block 52 fighters.