Fifteen of the French Navy’s Atlantique 2 (ATL2) maritime patrol aircraft will be modernized by Dassault Aviation and Thales to keep them flying beyond 2030.
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Category: Industry
Video: Is A400M heading for hard landing?
Lockheed Martin dedicates F-35 Lightning II hangar to the P-38 Lightning
Officials from Lockheed Martin dedicated a F-35 Lightning II hangar to the people who built, fought and maintained the P-38 Lightning.
YouTube: Bell Boeing V-22 Aerial Refueling Proof of Concept Flight
National Air Cargo sues U.S. for 747 crash in Afghanistan
National Air Cargo Group Inc. and its insurer have sued the U.S. government for not paying an insurance policy that covers aircraft contractors working for the Pentagon in a hostile environment.
Continue reading “National Air Cargo sues U.S. for 747 crash in Afghanistan”