Turkey hopes to sell its T-129 attack helicopter to Pakistan but the export will require the approval from United States.
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Category: Industry
Pentagon places order for F-35 Lot 6,7
The Pentagon has awarded Lockheed Martin two production contract worth $7.8 billion for 71 F-35s. It will pay $4.4 billion for 36 F-35s under Lot 6 and $3.4 billion contract for 35 F-35s under Lot 7.
Northrop Grumman gets contract for last three Global Hawk Block 30s
Despite attempts by the U.S. Air Force to cancel the RQ-4 Block 30 program, Northrop Grumman has received a $114.2 million order for the last three Global Hawk Block 30 UAVs.
Raytheon’s Griffin missile demonstrates maritime protection capabilities
Raytheon and the U.S. Navy has successfully tested the MK-60 Patrol Coastal Griffin Missile System’s ability to defend the Cyclone-class Patrol Coastal-class ship against small boat threats outside of current gun range.
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Eurofighter to bid in South Korea again
EADS Chief Executive Tom Enders told Reuters that his company will enter the Eurofighter in South Korea’s upcoming fighter competition.
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