VMFT-401 brought five F-5Ns to MCAS Beaufort Dec. 1 to support VMFAT-501 in air-to-air training from Dec. 2-11.
Photo: Sgt. Dengrier M. Baez
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Aviation News
VMFT-401 brought five F-5Ns to MCAS Beaufort Dec. 1 to support VMFAT-501 in air-to-air training from Dec. 2-11.
Photo: Sgt. Dengrier M. Baez
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A senior U.S. Marine Corps officer says two MV-22Bs are flying over Iraq and Syria on an almost weekly basis to rescue downed aircrews if necessary.
By Cpl. Tony Simmons via Wikimedia Commons
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The U.S. Department of Defense could reduce the number of F-35 stealth fighters is plans to buy in the fiscal 2017 budget plan due to spending caps imposed by Congress.
By DoD photo by Lawrence Crespo, U.S. Air Force. (Released) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
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Four F-35 Full Mission Simulators are up and running at Hill Air Force Base and they can be linked together for pilots to rehearse their missions.
Photo: Lockheed Martin
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Six U.S. Marines died when their UH-1Y helicopter crashed on May 12 in Nepal during a flight to evacuate wounded Nepalese to a hospital. Here are the photos from that final mission, extracted from a camera retrieved from the crash site.