DOT&E says F-35B had poor reliability during operational testing at sea

Bloomberg has obtained a memo written by Director of Operational Test and Evaluation, Michael Gilmore, in which he criticized the poor reliability of the F-35B during its operational testing on board USS Wasp.

F-35B, OT-1 Flight deck 150521-M-GX379-034
By Cpl. Anne Henry ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
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Marines filed paperwork to declare IOC for F-35B

The U.S. Marine Corps has filed all the necessary paperwork to declare Initial Operational Capability for the F-35B, Lt. Gen. Jon Davis, deputy commandant for Marine aviation, told reporters.

A U.S. Marine Corps F-35B Lightning II aircraft with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 121, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing (MAW), lands for the first time at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Miramar, San Diego 130712-M-DF987-003
By Lance Cpl. Allison Herman [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
