F-35 program manager Vice Adm. David Venlet said in an interview that building and testing the F-35 at the same time was a ‘miscalculation.’
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Category: Marines
HMM-163’s last flight
HMM-163 flew its last flight CH-46E Sea Knight flight on Nov. 30 at MCAS Miramar before it transitions to the MV-22BMV-22B.
Harriers from USS Makin Island dogfight with F-15s, F-22s
AV-8B Harriers, F-15 Eagles and F-22 Raptors participated in a joint air-to-air exercise over Oahu, Hawaii, Nov. 20-22, during the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit’s first port visit of its seven-month deployment.
First F-35 hangar being build at MCAS Yuma
Workers are busy building the first F-35 hangar at MCAS Yuma. The $36 million hangar will be completed in 10-months and ready for use in March.
F-35’s 2011 test targets achieved early on
The F-35 test program was suppose to fly 872 flights this year, it clocked the 875th flight for the year on Nov. 17.
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