Category: Marines
VMFA-242 to start operating F-35B from this month at Iwakuni, Japan
A briefing by Japan’s Chugoku-Shikoku Defense Bureau on Mar. 31 revealed that the U.S. Marine Corps’ VMFA-242 will start operating the F-35B at MCAS Iwakuni from this month.
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USN says new small aircraft carrier unnecessary, L-class ships sufficient
During a virtual Navy League event, Rear Adm. Gregory Harris, who heads the Air Warfare Division, says the service is unlikely to adopt the small aircraft carrier concept.

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Amazing photos of F-35B testing aboard ITS Cavour

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VH-92As being tested at Joint Base Charleston
HMX-1 and the White House Military Office is testing the VH-92A at Joint Base Charleston this week.
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