The U.S. Marine Corps has released some pictures of the F-35B above the North Pacific Ocean as VMFA-121 make its way to Japan for the type’s first overseas deployment.
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Aviation News
The U.S. Marine Corps has released some pictures of the F-35B above the North Pacific Ocean as VMFA-121 make its way to Japan for the type’s first overseas deployment.
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South Korean news outlet Donga reported that the Pentagon might bring its F-35Bs to this year’s iteration of exercise Foal Eagle and Key Resolve in March.
Continue reading “F-35Bs could appear in South Korean war games”
VMFA-121 has started its relocation from MCAS Yuma, Arizona to MCAS Iwakuni, Japan on Jan. 9.
The 1st Marine Aircraft Wing has started to phase out its AH-1W attack helicopters with the newest AH-1Zs at MCAS Futenma, Okinawa, Japan.
The U.S. Marine Corps has brought forward its plan to resume training on inflight refueling for Ospreys deployed to Japan. Initially, it was scheduled to resume training on Jan. 19. This has been brought forward to Jan. 6.
By U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sergeant Major Michael Cato/released [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons