617 Squadron’s F-35Bs have arrived at RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus on May 21.
Photo: RAF
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Aviation News
617 Squadron’s F-35Bs have arrived at RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus on May 21.
Photo: RAF
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AV-8Bs assigned to VMA-231 had a chance to practice dissimilar air combat training (DACT) exercise with Super Hornets from CVW 7 over the Arabian Sea recently.
B Battery (THAAD), 62nd Air Defense Artillery Regiment, 69th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, 32nd U.S. Army Air and Missile Defense Command has started to deploy at the Aegis Ashore Ballistic Missile Defense at Naval Support Facility Deveselu, Romania.
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Seven French Navy Rafale M carrierborne fighters were forced to divert to Aceh, Indonesia on May 19 due to bad weather.
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India announced on May 17 that it has carried out the first cooperative engagement firing of the Medium Range Surface to Air Missile (MRSAM).
Photo: Indian Ministry of Defence
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