India to buy 111 naval utility helicopters and 24 naval multi-role helicopters

India’s Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) has given the green light for the Indian Navy to purchase 111 naval utility helicopters and 24 naval multi-role helicopters.

140317-N-KT328-030 (13307758774)
By U.S. Department of Defense Current Photos (140317-N-KT328-030) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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MALD-X performs first flights

The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering’s Strategic Capabilities Office (SCO), with Air Force Miniature Air Launch Decoy (MALD) Program Office, and Naval Air Warfare Center Point Mugu successfully completed a series of free flight demonstrations of the MALD-X on August 20 and 22.

F-16 carrying MALD
By U.S. Air Force (ID:DFSD0108201 / 990702F9448S009) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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