The Philippines has requested through the U.S. Embassy for help to search for two missing OV-10 pilots.
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Category: Navy
UCLASS will have minimum range of 600nm
The U.S. Navy told contractors bidding for the Unmanned Carrier Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike (UCLASS) that their UAVs should a minimum range of 600 nautical miles and costs $150 million per orbit.
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GAO indentifies problems with Gerald R. Ford-class
The U.S. Government Accountability Office said in a draft report that the Pentagon faces problems with Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carrier and the U.S. Navy should delay the award of USS John F. Kennedy.
Philippines willing to grant Japan access to its bases
Philippine Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin told reporters that Manila is wiling to grant access of its bases to Japan.
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Australia likely to buy seven MQ-4Cs
Australia’s Labor government and conservative opponents have agreed that the nation should buy the MQ-4C.
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