NAWCAD’s Atlantic Test Ranges (ATR) has put together a low-cost Mobile Threat Emitter System (MTES) for the U.S. Army.
Photo: U.S. Navy
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Aviation News
NAWCAD’s Atlantic Test Ranges (ATR) has put together a low-cost Mobile Threat Emitter System (MTES) for the U.S. Army.
Photo: U.S. Navy
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The U.S. Navy has received the first Block V configured Tomahawk missile from Raytheon on Mar. 25.
Photo: Raytheon
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A U.S. Navy T-45C crashed approximately 3 miles northeast of Naval Outlying Field Orange Grove, Texas on Mar. 24 at approximately 2 p.m. CDT.
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France will offer its anti-air frigate Jean Bart and anti-submarine destroyer Latouche-Tréville if the French naval industry is select by Greece to build new warships for the Hellenic Navy.
U.S. Navy photo by Lt. Juan David Guerra, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
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South Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) has denied that it had informal talks with the British government on the transfer of aircraft carrier technology.