Category: Research
TALON successfully fired from LAU-68 launcher
L-3 and Raytheon have integrated the Raytheon TALON laser-guided rocket with L-3’s Advanced Remote Weapon Station using an LAU-68 launcher.
Raytheon photo
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China tested hypersonic vehicle
Over at Washington Times, Bill Gertz reported that China has tested a hypersonic vehicle for the first time on Jan. 9.
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South Korea completes development of K-30 self-propelled gun armed with Shingung missile
South Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) said Dec. 27 that it has completed the integration of Shingung guided missile to the K30 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.
Pentagon’s UAV roadmap from 2013-2038
The Pentagon’s Unmanned Systems Integrated Roadmap was published on Dec. 23. The report will establish a technological vision for the next 25 years.