In future, U.S. Marines could be resupplied by unmanned gliders

The U.S. Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory (MCWL) has given a contract to Yates Electrospace Corp to develop and test 10 unmanned gliders that are able to deliver 700 pounds of life-saving supplies and cargo to any Marine unit.

Graphic: Yates Electrospace Corporation
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Britain, Japan to announce development of improve Meteor missile next month

British and Japanese officials are expected to announced the development of an improved version of the MBDA Meteor air-to-air missile on Dec. 14, the Nikkei Asia Review reported.

ILA 2008 PD 446
作者 ILA-boy (投稿者自身による作品) [Public domain または Public domain], ウィキメディア・コモンズ経由で
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