We first reported on this mysterious Russia unmanned aerial vehicle last year when it was spotted by commercial satellite. Now a clear view of the airplane has emerged.
Category: Research
USAF’s image of the LCAAT
The press exhibit information kit handed out by the Pentagon for its Lab Day 2017 contains an image for the U.S. Air Force’s Low Cost Attritable Aircraft Technology (LCAAT) program.
Graphic: U.S. DoD
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Watch what happens when you pit two teams of 25 drones against each other
DARPA’s Service Academies Swarm Challenge is an aerial game of Capture the Flag played by swarms of unmanned aerial vehicles overseen by human operators. The competition, being waged by students from the three U.S. military Service academies, is an opportunity for the next generation of operators and tacticians to explore and understand swarm-versus-swarm interactions.
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Testing of Haeseong ship-to-ground missile completed
South Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) said the development of the Haeseong ship-to-ground missile has been completed in March.
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Russia’s Zircon anti-ship missile reached Mach 8
An anonymous source in the Russia’s defense sector told TASS that new Zircon hypersonic anti-ship missile under development has reached a speed of Mach 8 during testing.
Mil.ru [CC BY 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons
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