The X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle (OTV-7) is set to perform a series of groundbreaking manoeuvres known as aerobraking. This technique, which utilises the drag of the Earth’s atmosphere to alter the spacecraft’s orbit, marks a first for the U.S. Space Force and the X-37B program.
RTX has announced significant advancements in its defence technology portfolio, focusing on enhanced naval defense and space-based missile warning systems. These developments highlight RTX’s commitment to providing cutting-edge defence solutions in response to evolving global threats.
Japan successfully launched an intelligence-gathering radar satellite aboard an H2A rocket on September 26, marking a significant step in its space-based surveillance capabilities.
Reuters reports that dozens of Russian military personnel are undergoing training in Iran on the Fath-360 close-range ballistic missile system, according to European intelligence sources. The news agency’s investigation suggests an imminent delivery of hundreds of these satellite-guided weapons to Russia for potential use in Ukraine. Fars Media Corporation, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Responding to the growing threat of hypersonic weapons in the region, Japan and the United States have signed an agreement to jointly develop a new missile interceptor system.