Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) has uploaded an animation showing the launch of KSLV-2, South Korea’s second carrier rocket.
Category: Space
Boeing, NGC selected for GBSD phase 1
The U.S. Air Force has given contracts to Boeing and Northrop Grumman for the Ground-based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD) phase one program.
IISS: North Korea’s ICBMs use RD-250 engines produced by Ukraine’s KB Yuzhnoye
In his report for International Institute for Strategic Studies, Michael Elleman concludes that North Korea probably acquired RD-250 engines from Ukraine’s KB Yuzhnoye to power its Hwasong-12, -14 ballistic missiles.
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Factory testing of KAMAZ K-78504 8×8 for TEL operations
Air France modifies flight paths after close encounter with North Korean ICBM
Air France has confirmed to France 24 that it is expanding its “non-flyover area around North Korea” after one of its Boeing 777 airline came within 100 km from the splashdown point of a North Korean intercontinental ballistic missile in the Sea of Japan on Jul. 28.
Continue reading “Air France modifies flight paths after close encounter with North Korean ICBM”