In an exclusive interview with China Daily, the chief drone designer at China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics, revealed that ” 20 military users from more than 10 foreign countries” are using the country’s unmanned aerial vehicles.
General Atomics has confirmed that the MS-177 multispectral sensor from UTC Aerospace has been tested aboard its Avenger unmanned aerial vehicle over seven flights from January to February this year.
The Afghan National Army has launched its first ScanEagle unmanned aerial vehicle. The first operational site is in Helmand and there will be a total of eight sites situated across the country.
A ScanEagle prepares for launch in Helmand, Afghanistan. ScanEagle systems provide the Afghan National Army with airborne intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capability. Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan’s ISR Capabilities Integration Cell is training, advising and assisting the Afghan National Army on how to best utilize this technology. The Helmand ScanEagle site is the first of eight in Afghanistan that will be operational in the next two and a half years. (U.S. military photo by Lt. Charity Edgar/Released)
The U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) will go ahead with a plan to launch mini-unmanned aerial vehicles out of the AC-130 gunship later this year.