Category: UAV
Photos of Shenyang’s twin-fuselage unmanned aircraft appears
China tried to jam Global Hawk that was flying over South China Sea
China has made attempts to jam the signals of the Global Hawk unmanned aircraft whilst it was operating over South China Sea.
By U.S. Air Force photo by Bobbi Zapka [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
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U.S. Army UAS trainee pilots had to mow the lawn, perform janitorial services too
The U.S. Government Accountability Office had eight focus group sessions with U.S. Army pilots training to fly UAVs and found that trainees did not get adequate training as they had to perform menial tasks.
By Photo Courtesy of U.S. Army [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
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Turkish F-16 shot down Syrian aircraft, Syria say its a UAV
Turkey said it shot down a Syrian helicopter on May 16 with two AIM-9 missiles, however Syria said it was just an unmanned aerial vehicle.