In an exclusive interview with Ajai Shukla, one of India’s chief missile scientist said India will have a fully deployed missile defense shield to safeguard a city like New Delhi by 2014.
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Category: Uncategorized
VFA-94 arrives in Kadena
VFA-94 has arrived in Okinawa, Japan where they will participate in Exercise Habu Fire II with VMFA(AW)-242, VMA-214 and the USAF’s 18th Wing.
Irish Air Corp grounds AW139
Irish Air Corps has decided to ground its AW139 fleet after a fatal crash in Brazil more than a week ago.
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YouTube: Controversy over nude posters, panties at RoCAF 7th FS
Taiwan’s 7th Fighter Squadron has been ordered to remove nude posters and panties at its crew rest room after a YouTube video created an uproar.
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Hungary selling eight MiG-29s
You have up to Sept. 15 to bid for a Hungarian MiG-29. Eight aircraft will be up for sale.