The U.S. Air Force wants to switch the F-22’s current closed computer architecture to an open architecture. This will open the system upgrade to competition.
Category: Uncategorized
RoCAF T-34 makes belly landing on dry river bed
A RoCAF T-34 training aircraft had to make an emergency landing on a river bed in southern Taiwan’s Pingtung County on Sunday. Picture of the crash site is in the article.
Iranian AH-1J crashed
Iran lost a AH-1J attack helicopter near the central city of Isfahan on Monday. Both crew members did not survive the crash.
Saab offers MPA with AESA, RBS-15 to Indian Navy
To meet the Indian Navy’s requirement for a new maritime patrol aircraft, Saab has offered the Saab 2000 Maritime Patrol Aircraft equipped with the fifth generation AESA and RBS-15 anti-ship missiles.
8th Asean Air Forces Commanders Meeting in Thailand
The 8th Asean Air Forces Commanders Meeting will be held in Thailand from June 13-16.