China’s Global Times reports that China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) will set to deploy a new ballistic missile by 2015.
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Category: Uncategorized
Levin doubts Senate will fund F136 engine
Senator Carl Levin, chairman of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee, said he doubts the Senate will fund the F136 alternate engine for the F-35.
SpaceX to halt development of Falcon 1 after guidance from USAF
SpaceX has decided to halt development of its single engine Falcon 1 rocket to concentrate on the Falcon Heavy.
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Stracom has plans to hit N. Korea’s WMD sites with nuclear, conventional weapons
The United States Strategic Command (Stracom) has drafted Oplan 8010-08, an operation plan to destroy North Korea’s weapons of mass destruction using nuclear or conventional weapons.
Raytheon unveils design for its next generation air-to-air missile
Raytheon is looking at using ramjet to power its next generation missile to replace both the AIM-120 AMRAAM and AGM-88 HARM.