The first two F-35s that are supposed to be deployed to Eglin Air Force Base this month will now go to Edwards instead.
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Category: Uncategorized
Britain’s new aircraft carrier to cost £800 million more
Adding catapults and arresting gear to Britain’s second new aircraft carrier will incur an extra £800 million, Babcock says.
It was a jet contrail off LA
HT to Arms Control Wonk. Apparently the alleged missile launch see by many people in Los Angeles on Monday was just a jet contrail. Hit the source for the explanation.
Combat aircraft account for one third of all global arms transfers
Swedish think tank SIPRI said one third of all global arms transfers consists of combat aircraft.
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Retired Navy aviator wants to fly Curtiss Pusher off aircraft carrier
A retired U.S. Navy pilot has created a replica 1911 Curtiss Pusher, a plane that was the first to take off from a ship.
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