Officials declared U.S. Air Force Global Strike Command to be at full operational capability Sept. 30, on schedule, and less than 14 months after its initial activation as a command.
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India eyes another air base near border with China
The Indian Air Force wants to expand the Nyoma airstrip in Ladakh, near its border with China, to support fighters and other aircraft.
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Legendary fighter squadron inactivated
The 71st Fighter Squadron at Langley Air Force Base, Va. officially inactivated during a ceremony on base, Sept. 30.
Symantec researcher sees Israeli hand behind Stuxnet
A Symantec researcher says Israel is the likely source of the Stuxnet worm that is wrecking havoc in Iran’s nuclear problem.
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F-35 flight tests suspended for software fix
All variants of the F-35 have been grounded after laboratory testing revealed a serious flaw in the software controlling the jet’s three fuel boost pumps.
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