Tests of the U.S. Navy’s Maritime Laser Demonstration (MLD) system conducted recently at the Potomac River Test Range confirmed the laser weapon system’s readiness to proceed with at-sea testing later this year, according to Northrop Grumman Corporation, prime contractor.
Category: Uncategorized
Sweden request 15 UH-60Ms for Afghan operations
Sweden is keen to buy 15 UH-60M helicopters to address an urgent shortfall of in Combat Search and Rescue and Medical Evacuation transport capability in Afghanistan.
GE beats Eurojet to Tejas contract
GE has emerged as the surprised winner to supply 99 engines for India’s Tejas fighter.
Photo link: RSAF Apache crash site
Four photos showing the crash site of a RSAF Apache that went down today at 1530hrs.
RSAF Apache made crash landing, eye witness reports aircraft broke in 2
A RSAF Apache helicopter made a forced landing at 3.40pm today. A eye witness reports seeing the helicopter broken in 2 parts and lying by its side. Both pilots appeared uninjured and were standing next to the helicopter.