The U.S. Technology, Transfer, Security Assistance, Review Board (TTSARB) has cleared Australia to buy the EA-18G AEA jet.
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Category: Uncategorized
T-43 retires after 37 years of service
Prince William graduates as RAF search and rescue pilot
Prince William has completed his training and graduated as a RAF search and rescue pilot flying the Seaking helicopter.
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Indonesia to buy another 6 FLANKERS to form squadron of 16 aircraft
Indonesia Air Force chief of staff, Air Marshall Imam Sufaat, said Jakarta has decided to buy six more fighters from Sukhoi to form a squadron with 16 aircraft.
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Battle of the ejection seats
It seems suppliers are not just battling to supply engines for the F-35, Bill Sweetman writes about the tug-of-war between Martin Baker and Goodrich to supply ejection seats for the JSF.