The U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command has given Lockheed Martin $14 million to design, develop, build and test a high-power fiber laser-based system.
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Category: Uncategorized
MEADS completes Critical Design Review
The Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) program has completed an extensive series of Critical Design Review (CDR) events with a Summary CDR at MEADS International in Orlando, FL.
Former Scottish judge to probe Chinook crash
A former Scottish judge has been nominated by the government to head up a review into the cause of an RAF Chinook crash on the Mull of Kintyre in 1994.
Levin pens letter supporting the F136
Chairman of the Senate Armed Services committee, Sen. Carl Levin, has issued a response to the GAO report, which he requested, on the F136.
Luftwaffe grounds Eurofighter over ejection seat
Germany has grounded all its 55 Eurofighters due to problems with their ejector seats.
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