The Deputy Director of DSCA, Richard Genaille, said is helping Vietnam upgrade its UH-1 helicopter through a $1.3 million foreign military financing.
Category: Uncategorized
Blue Angel F/A-18B on display at St. Louis Science Center
The St. Louis Science Center has managed to secure the loan of a Blue Angel F/A-18B for display from the National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, Florida.
China’s Evolving Anti-Access Approach: “Where’s the Nearest (U.S.) Carrier?”
Andrew S. Erickson explains the limitations of China’s anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) strategy. However, the author warned that its emerging A2/AD infrastructure cannot be ignored.
Photos: JMSDF P-3 carried out engine change in Darwin, Australia
F-111s departed Darwin for the last time
Three F-111s flew out of Darwin today and it was the last time the jets have flown over there.
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