Initial deliveries of AGM-88E Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile (AARGM) production missiles has been delivered to the U.S. Navy.
Category: Uncategorized
U.S. 5th Fleet to extend Global Hawk stay in Gulf
The U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet has extended the stay of the RQ-4 Broad Area Maritime Surveillance Demonstrator (BAMS-D) in the Persian Gulf. Continue reading “U.S. 5th Fleet to extend Global Hawk stay in Gulf”
Russia to deploy S-400 near Korean peninsular
Russia plans to deploy two S-400 missile system near its border with North Korea due to heighten tensions in the Peninsular due to the sinking of a South Korean warship.
U.S. to send carrier to S. Korea east coast for exercise, China still unhappy
China has voiced opposition to a planned exercise between the U.S. and South Korean navies on the country’s east coast.
DARPA wants hypersonic glider fired from Mk41 VLS
DARPA has initiated project ArcLight, a program to launch a hypersonic glider using the U.S. Navy’s standard Mk41 vertical launch system (VLS). Continue reading “DARPA wants hypersonic glider fired from Mk41 VLS”