AlterNet has identified at least 60 bases used by the U.S. military and the CIA to run their drone operations.
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Category: Uncategorized
U.S. Navy’s UAV operators will come from similar manned platforms
The U.S. Navy will select aviators who have worked on similar manned platforms for its UAV operations.
Indian Air Force given secret briefings on Brimstone’s performance in Libya
Britain gave a secret presentation to the Indian Air Force on the performance of the Dual Mode Brimstone missile in Libya.
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New Virginia-class design could replace SSGNs
According to a briefing from the U.S. Navy’s Submarine Warfare Division, a new Virginia-class design with a new hull section could replace the four guided-missile submarines.
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HMS Edinburgh ordered to point missiles away from Michelle Obama’s hotel
HMS Edinburgh was asked by the U.S. Secret Service in June to point her ceremonial Sea Dart missiles away from the Presidential Suite of the Table Bay Hotel in Cape Town, South Africa as Michelle Obama was staying there.
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