Baldev Singh, director for corporate planning and marketing at Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) committed suicide on Tuesday. Singh was the company’s former chief test pilot and flew the LCA and IJT.
Category: Uncategorized
Northrop Grumman demos HAMMR, derivative of Ground Based Fighter Radar
Northrop Grumman’s Highly Adaptable Multi-Mission Radar (HAMMR) was successfully demonstrated at the U.S. Army’s Yuma Proving Grounds.
Source: Northrop Grumman Corp.
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Australian Tiger made emergency landing
An Australian Tiger helicopter had to make an emergency landing in Darwin on the night of Oct. 10. It was part of four-aircraft contingent deployed to Darwin for night flying training. Hit the source for a picture of the stricken aircraft.
Raytheon’s JLENS successfully completes 14-day endurance test
Raytheon’s aerostat system — Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Elevated Netted Sensors (JLENS) — recently completed a successful 14-day endurance test at a range in Utah demonstrating its readiness.
BAE Systems to supply NVG HMD for F-35
BAE Systems has been selected by Lockheed Martin to supply a Night Vision Goggle Helmet Mounted Display (NVG HMD) system for the F-35 during the next phase of its development.
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