The first Super Hornet to undergo SLM by FRCSW

F/A-18F BuNo 166460 is the first Super Hornet to undergo the Service Life Modification (SLM) at the Fleet Readiness Center Southwest (FRCSW), the U.S. Navy has announced.

The first F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter aircraft to undergo the Service Life Modification (SLM) procedure at a naval aviation depot is pictured at the FRCSW testline June 29. The aircraft, assigned to Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 106, will undergo induction for the SLM that will extend the airframe’s flight hours from 6,000 to 7,500. The procedure is estimated to take about 17 months. (U.S. Navy photo)

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This MICRO FARE kit will allow the KC-135 to give or receive fuel to aircraft or ground vehicles

A kit that allows the KC-135 aerial refueling tanker to take on or give fuel to aircraft or ground vehicles has been tested by the 151st Air Refueling Wing.

The Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve Test Center (AATC)-KC-135 Test Detachment, working with the 151st Air Refueling Wing, Salt Lake City, Utah, test the Micro Forward Area Refueling Equipment (FARE) Kit on the KC-135R Stratotanker on Sep. 14, 2022 on Roland R. Wright Air Base, Utah. The Micro FARE kit will also assist the KC-135R with the Agile Combat Employment operating concept. Without the reliance on main operating bases refueling capabilities, this system will provide the ability to refuel anywhere in the world at any time.(U.S. Air Force National Guard photo by Tech. Sgt Nicholas Perez)

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