Leaders of the U.S. Air Force told the Senate Appropriations defense subcommittee that it was distance that kept the F-22 away from action in Libya.
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Donley: USAF prepared to buy 80 to 100 new bombers
At a hearing the lawmakers, U.S. Air Force Secretary Michael Donley said his service will buy between 80 to 100 new stealth bombers.
VMA-211 AV-8B crashed after take-off from USS Boxer
A AV-8B Harrier from VMA-211 has crashed shortly after departing USS Boxer in the Gulf of Aden on Tuesday. The pilot was promptly picked up by a MH-60S Seahawk after the accident.
USMC CH-53 crashed off Hawaii, 1 killed
One person died and three others were injured when a USMC CH-53 crashed into a bay on the coast of Oahu, Hawaii on Tuesday evening.
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