The Saab Gripen fighter has accumulated a total of over 150 000 flight hours with any crash due to engine issues.
MICA, Sparrow failed Taiwan missile test again
A new missile test conducted by the Taiwanese military on Monday achieved a mixed bag of results.
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F-22 Raptor flown on synthetic biofuel
An F-22 Raptor successfully flew at supercruise Mar. 18 on a 50/50 fuel blend of conventional petroleum-based JP-8 and biofuel derived from camelina, a weed-like plant not used for food.
Video Link: RAF Tornados refuel inbound to Libya
BBC video showing RAF Tornados being refueled while on their way to Libya.
RAF: Libyan Air Force neutered
The RAF’s commander of the air operations over Libya, Air Vice Marshal Greg Bagwell, said that the Libyan air force had been neutered by the coalition action.