HMS Ark Royal was decommissioned yesterday at Portsmouth.
Libya wanted to trade Dutch Lynx crew with Mirage F1s
It has emerged that Libya demanded that Malta return its two Mirage F1 fighters in exchange for a detained Dutch Navy Lynx crew.
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Boeing adds 4 KC-46A to its order tally
The first four Boeing 767 destined for the U.S. Air Force as KC-46A refueling tankers have been added to to its order tally on Thursday.
18 F-2 fighters at Matsushima Air Base damaged by Tsunami
Aircraft parked at Matsushima Air Base, including 18 Mitsubishi F-2 fighters, were damaged by the Tsunami yesterday when the base was inundated with seawater.
South Korea to buy four RQ-4 Block 30I UAVs
Washington and Seoul have in principle agreed over the sale of four RQ-4 Block 30I Global Hawks.
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