In an interview with The Associated Press, a Japanese general said Japan will test its own stealth fighter prototype in 2014.
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JFCOM commander: Libya no-fly zone would only take couple of days to implement
Gen. Raymond Odierno, commander of U.S. Joint Forces Command, said implementing a no-fly zone over Libya would only take a couple of days if the green light is given.
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USMC wants early end to F-35B probation
The U.S. Marine Corps is happy with progress made on the F-35B’s test program and hopes that a two-year probation on the jet could be lifted sooner.
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Series production of A400M approved
Airbus Military has been given the green light to start series production of the A400M airlifter.
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Indonesia considers C-27J
The Indonesian Air Force is considering the C-27J as a potential candidate to replace its Fokker-27 transports.
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