The first Canadian CC-130J Hercules has arrived in Afghanistan for operational service at Kandahar Airfield on Jan. 1 .
USFF Relieves USS Enterprise Commanding Officer
Adm. John C. Harvey Jr., Commander, United States Fleet Forces Command (USFFC), has permanently relieved Capt. Owen Honors of his duties as commanding officer of USS Enterprise (CVN 65) for demonstrating poor judgment while serving as executive officer of that ship.
Funding for MEADS withheld
U.S. lawmakers have directed the Pentagon not to spend $350.2 million of a requested $467 million for the Medium Extended Air Defense System until it decides whether to terminate the program.
Gates offered co-production of PAC-3 to Turkey
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates told his Turkish counterparts that selecting the PAC-3 for as its new long-range air defense systems will bring jobs to Turkey.
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Israel’s state-owned defense companies could merge
A plan to merge three of Israel’s state-owned defense companies is gaining traction.
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