Major General Luo Yuan, deputy secretary general with the PLA Academy of Military Sciences, gives five reasons why the Chinese government is against a joint naval exercise between U.S. and South Korea.
Iraqi pilots to receive prerequisite F-16 training
The Government of Iraq has signed an agreement with the United States for the training of 10 Iraqi Air Force F-16 pilots. Continue reading “Iraqi pilots to receive prerequisite F-16 training”
DHS has difficulties finding pilots to fly its drones
A U.S. Homeland Security Department official told Congress on Thursday that the Customs and Border Protection is having difficulties finding pilots to fly its drones for border patrols. Continue reading “DHS has difficulties finding pilots to fly its drones”
Australian Chinook helicopter fired upon by insurgents
An Australian CH-47 Chinook helicopter was fired upon by insurgents Thursday as it was taking off from a coalition patrol base in the Arghandab Valley region of Kandahar, Afghanistan. Continue reading “Australian Chinook helicopter fired upon by insurgents”
Final flights of 71st FS at Langley
Pictures of the last few flights of the 71st fighter Squadron at Langley AFB.