Citing Israeli and U.S. sources, the Wall Street Journal reported yesterday that Iran has given Syria a sophisticated air defense radar to prevent Israel from launching a surprise attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities. Continue reading “WSJ: Iran gave Syria sophisticated radar system to foil Israeli attack”
KQ-X – Global Hawks to buddy refuel
DARPA has given Northrop Grumman a $33 million contract to demonstrate buddy refueling of Global Hawks at high altitude. Continue reading “KQ-X – Global Hawks to buddy refuel”
EADS to develop system architecture for Indian AEW&C
EADS has won a contract from India for the development of system architecture for it airborne early warning and control program. Continue reading “EADS to develop system architecture for Indian AEW&C”
F-15s to be equipped with HUD made by South Korea
Six nations operating the F-15 will get their HUDs from a South Korean firm as part of an offset deal with Boeing.
Indonesia interested in getting F-16s and C-130Hs from U.S.
At the Shangri-La dialogue in Singapore last month, Indonesian Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro and U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates discussed the possible purchase of F-16s and C-130Hs.