Jane’s reported that a MiG-29K was lowered on to the flight deck of aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov. Continue reading “MiG-29K tested on Admiral Gorshkov’s flight deck”
Movie producer jailed for buzzing Santa Monica Pier in L-39
A movie producer has been sentenced to 60 days of jail for buzzing Santa Monica Pier in a L-39 in November 2008. Continue reading “Movie producer jailed for buzzing Santa Monica Pier in L-39”
A400M and C-295 being promoted in Australia
EADS is busy promoting the A400M and C-295 in Australia.
Israel launches spy satellite
Israel on Tuesday launched a Ofek 9 spy satellite into space from itsĀ Palmahim air base. Continue reading “Israel launches spy satellite”
SM-3 Block IIB will be a new missile
Bill Sweetman reports that the SM-3 Block IIB interceptor will be a all new missile instead of an improvement of the Block IIA.