The U.S. military has blamed a UAV crew and ground commanders in Afghanistan for 23 civilians deaths in February. Continue reading “UAV crew and ground commanders faulted in Afghan civilian deaths”
Photo link: Nimrod MR2 XV231 final flight
A photo gallery showing the RAF’s Nimrod MR2 XV231 making its final flight to Manchester airport where it will be on display at the visitors park.
U.S. Army hits 1 million flight hours with unmanned aircraft
The U.S. Army recognized a milestone of 1 million hours of flight for unmanned aerial systems, May 25 at the Pentagon.
India shopping for new aerostats
BAE Systems, Israel Aerospace Industries, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Rosoboronexport and Thales are expected to be asked to quote for three radar-equipped aerostats to India.
CBO suggests cutting Navy and Marine F-35 numbers
One of the four options from a new report from the Congressional Budget Office suggests that the Navy cut back its commitment to the F-35 from 680 planes to 587. Continue reading “CBO suggests cutting Navy and Marine F-35 numbers”