Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) announced that its Laser Weapon System (LaWS) has for the first time shoot down a UAV in an over-the-water, combat representative scenario. Continue reading “U.S. Navy’s Laser Weapon System destroys UAVs in test”
Research on Japan’s fighter-launched UAV to continue despite mishap
Despite the recent lost of its fighter-launched UAV from a F-2 fighter, Fuji Heavy Industries says it is continuing development of the aircraft.
Hezbollah has secret missile bases in Syria
Times of London reported on Friday that Syria is transferring missiles to the Hezbollah in bases in Syria. Continue reading “Hezbollah has secret missile bases in Syria”
Leaked U.N. report says North Korea is exporting nuclear and missile technology
A leaked U.N. report says is using front companies to export nuclear and missile technology to Iran, Syria and Myanmar. Continue reading “Leaked U.N. report says North Korea is exporting nuclear and missile technology”
A400M to make RIAT debut
Folks from the RAFCTE sent word that the Airbus A400M will be making its debut at the Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford this July.