North Korea faked the video of SLBM launch, missile exploded a few seconds into the test

The folks over at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies analyzed the recent Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM) tested shown on North Korean television last week and they concluded that the test was a failure and Pyongyang had manipulated the video in an attempt to show the launch of the KN-11 was a success.

Four clips of the launch were shown to the world but the analysts found that two were actually mirrors of each other and launches are either slowed down or sped up. By examining the footage frame by frame, they discover evidence suggesting the explosion offering after the missile was ejected out of the water.

And the last clip with the missile allegedly rocketing upwards into the upper atmosphere, it was actually a Scud missile testing back in 2014.
