RoCAF to rename Wings

The Republic of China Air Force (RoCAF) plans to transition from 3-digits to single-digits convention for its Wings next month.

01.07 總統專機升空後,空軍派遣4架F-16及2架IDF戰機護航 (31787978550)
By 總統府 (01.07 總統專機升空後,空軍派遣4架F-16及2架IDF戰機護航) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Tsai Ing-wen is expected to make the announced on Dec. 1 when the P-3C is inducted into service. The 439th Composite Wing will be renamed as 6th Wing. The new digit is derived via the sum of the each number (eg 4+3+9=16) and using the last digit (6).