Zhuhai airshow 2018 – Nov. 2 report

It was cold and windy at Zhuhai Jinwang airport today and the sky was overcast throughout the whole day.

The first military aircraft to arrive at the show site was a JH-7 fighter-bomber from Liuzhou carrying mock versions of the PL5 air-to-air missile and KD-88 surface-to-air missile.

It was joined by a J-10B from Guilin an hour later. It was carrying a pair of PL-10 and PL-12 missiles.

China’s latest operational bomber was next to appear. This H-6K traveled from Liuyang to the show. Hanging from its external pylons are K/AKD63B and K/AKD20 cruise missiles. A single external jamming port was mounted on the rear side of the fuselage.

A FTC2000G was flown in from Anshun closer to lunch time. It was the second of its type to arrive at the show site. The aircraft on static display was actually truck in.

The Saudi Hawks failed to appear again. Word has it that requests for ground handling services in China have been withdrawn as well.