How the F-35 Integrated Test Force plan for the 2 flight tests aboard JS Izumo

The test plan for the take-off and landing of two F-35Bs on JS Izumo started in spring, F-35 Integrated Test Force has disclosed.

Mission rehearsals started at the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division’s Manned Flight Simulator in the United States.

Testers build up enough data to come up with the sortie timeline and fuel ladder. A fuel ladder is an assessment of the weight of fuel required for the different phases of flight during the demonstration.

Maj. Dylan “Bilbo” Nicholas from VX-23 and Lt. Col. Robert Guyette from VMFA-242 were the two pilots that did the demonstration flights.

F-35 ITF Basing and Ship Suitability (BASS) Lead Ron Hess and his teammate Elliott Kandler were onboard the warship to guide it to a location with the right test conditions for the demonstration.

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