AI unveils Chinese spy balloons flying in East Asia, BBC Panorama reveals

In a groundbreaking investigation, BBC Panorama has joined forces with artificial intelligence company Synthetaic to uncover evidence of Chinese spy balloons flying over Japan and Taiwan. The collaboration utilized satellite imagery and cutting-edge AI technology to trace the elusive presence of these aerial surveillance devices.

U-2 Pilot over Central Continental United States (7644960)
Department of Defense, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Synthetaic, led by founder Corey Jaskolski, employed its AI software to analyze vast amounts of data captured by satellites. By cross-referencing images and conducting meticulous comparisons, they successfully identified suspected spy balloons crossing East Asia.

The never-before-seen satellite images revealed a balloon crossing northern Japan in early September 2021, while additional photographs appeared to show a similar balloon over Taiwan’s capital, Taipei, in late September of the same year.

Although the Japanese defense ministry confirmed the sightings and expressed readiness to shoot down future balloons to safeguard their territory, determining the precise launch origin of these balloons remains an ongoing challenge.

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