First ANG pilot to be selected to join the Thunderbirds

In a historic milestone for the United States Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron, affectionately known as the “Thunderbirds,” Maj. Tyler Clark has been selected as the first Air National Guard fighter pilot to join their elite ranks as a Thunderbird demonstration pilot for the 2024-2025 season.

Photo: USAF

Maj. Clark, an accomplished F-15C Instructor Pilot from the esteemed 173rd Fighter Wing, brings a wealth of experience and dedication to his new role. As chief of scheduling within the 173rd Fighter Wing, he has already proven his commitment to excellence in the aviation field.

The announcement of his selection has been met with pride and excitement, both within the Air Force and among fellow Guardsmen. “Being a Guardsman is an opportunity to represent the Total Force and the ‘Land of No Slack,'” says Maj. Clark humbly, acknowledging the nickname of the 173rd FW. He expresses gratitude to his wing and leadership, recognizing their support in pursuing this extraordinary opportunity.

His journey to becoming a Thunderbird demonstration pilot is a testament to perseverance and determination. Maj. Clark’s aviation career began at the prestigious Air Force Academy, culminating in his graduation in 2009. From there, he embarked on flight school, eventually arriving at Kingsley Field as a student pilot, where he honed his skills as an Eagle Driver.

Throughout his career, Maj. Clark has been a globetrotter, serving in various leadership roles during his time in Active Duty. In 2022, he made the decision to transition to the Air National Guard, rejoining Kingsley Field as an Instructor Pilot. The decision to join the Guard brought him closer to fulfilling his dream of becoming a Thunderbird.

For Maj. Clark, being part of the Thunderbirds is a unique opportunity to combine his passion for aviation with his love for inspiring others. As a young child attending airshows and witnessing the Thunderbirds in action, he was captivated by the “WOW!” factor they left on the audience. Now, he looks forward to interacting with the public, making a positive impact on communities, and inspiring the next generation of aviators.

His journey to joining the Thunderbirds wasn’t without its challenges. Initially, when he first applied, he faced disappointment, but Maj. Clark’s unwavering determination pushed him to pursue his dream relentlessly. With steadfast support from his family, friends, mentors, and the leadership at Kingsley Field, he continued to strive for his goal until it became a reality.

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